
Doctor Strange 2: Does the Lego set spoil the main villain of the Marvel movie - Hollywood News

If the actors and production go to great lengths to try and block any leaks about upcoming movies, there is always something missing like product merchandise. As usual, a Lego set leaked online to reveal the first spoilers, and one of these concerns the expected Doctor Strange 2 from Marvel Studios.

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On the web, an official Lego set dedicated to the great battle between Doctor Strange and a villain who had previously been rumored in Sam Raimi's film has been leaked. In fact, in the set, we can see Doctor Strange, Wong, and America Chavez fighting a sprawling-looking monster that the box calls Gargantos. Although the old rumors wanted the presence of Shuma-Gorath as the villain of Doctor Strange 2, Gargantos is actually the name of a sea monster connected to the universe of Namor. However, Gargantos is not a magical threat in the Marvel comics and it could be that in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Gargantos corresponds precisely to Shuma-Gorath.

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Shuma Gorath, an intergalactic being who reigns over numerous alternate universes, an ancient force of chaos that could actually create problems for our heroes, and who is already rumored to be a little part of the film. Thanks to the abilities of America Chavez, he could gain full control of the Multiverse, which is why he would be looking for the girl.

But one wonders: how many and which Stranges will there be? A non-trivial question. Might arrive the alternate version of Strange seen in What If? Maybe. Other characters we should review are Mordo, Wong, and Christine Palmer. Furthermore, the presence of Loki's characters in Doctor Strange 2 seems to be confirmed.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will be an ambitious product, in which Cumberbatch's Strange will face the Multiverse, relying on the help of Benedict Wong's Wong and Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda Maximoff.