
Unlimited downloads and simultaneous playback. This summer take Disney+ on your vacation - Hollywood News

Star Wars stories like Star Wars: Skywalker's Rise, Spin-offs like Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and The Mandalorian series. Marvel Cinematic Universe movies like Avengers: Endgame. Pixar deliveries like Toy Story and Coco. Classics like Aladdin and Cinderella and their real-action remakes. These contents and many others are the ones you'll find on Disney+, the 'streaming' platform of The Mickey Mouse House perfect for taking you on vacation. 

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With Disney+, you'll get unlimited entertainment with exclusive Disney, Marvel, National Geographic, Pixar, Disney+ Originals stories, and new releases. In addition, you can enjoy this content on different devices and play them up to four simultaneously. The platform is compatible with all kinds of devices from iOS to Android through PS4, Xbox, Samsung Tizen, and also Fire TV. 

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Have you decided to go somewhere remote where you won't have Wi-Fi access? You have nothing to worry about because Disney+ makes it easy for you to continue enjoying its series, movies, and documentaries. The platform allows unlimited downloads to see the content you want wherever and however you want. 

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Another advantage of Disney+ is your subscription. You have two modalities: monthly and annual. The first is priced at 6.99 euros and the second is 69.99 euros. With the annual subscription, you also get two months free. Already know which movie or series is the first you're going to see on Disney+ on your vacation?