
Netflix Announces Action Movie Trigger Warning With Jessica Alba After Extraction Success

With films like Triple Frontier, 6 Underground, and the most recent Extraction, it has become clear that Netflix is ​​committed to action when it comes to enhancing its original productions and they will continue to do so for a time.

This feeling was evident when Trigger Warning was announced, the next original action movie for the platform that will feature veteran actress Jessica Alba as the protagonist.

The direction of the project will be borne by Mouly Surya, as Variety has learned, with the story script being the responsibility of the duo formed by Josh Olson and John Brancato.

The synopsis that has been released realizes that Alba will play a traumatized war veteran who inherits her father's bar and faces a complicated moral dilemma when she discovers the truth about his death.

Sources in the media believe that this is the beginning of a new franchise in which the company has high hopes after seeing the success of films such as the aforementioned Extraction.

At the moment no one knows more about this work, when it will start production, or when it will be time to release it. It is interesting to see that there are hopes that it will really succeed, even thinking of a complete franchise. When the time comes, we will check if this hypothetical saga ends up being the John Wick of Netflix.